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1040 Abroad
Dr David Frey Dr David Frey

Beverly Hills Top: US Dentist comes to London
More information at Dr Frey's London website

What inspired you to begin a career in dentistry, and what motivates you in the course of your work?

I love helping people. My father was a pharmacist and he always felt like he was helping people. I feel he instilled a lot of that in me growing up.

You worked for a year in Israel at the Jerusalem Dental Center for Children supporting underprivileged children – how did the experience of working abroad and supporting the community shape your approach to your private practice?

Giving a year of your life towards a charitable cause like helping children gives you an over–whelming feeling of pride. I personally feel I received more in return as it allowed me to grow as an adult. It was such a gratifying experience to live in a foreign country exploring new places and meeting new people.

British comedian Ricky Gervais once said that "the biggest difference between the Brits and the Americans, they are obsessed with perfect teeth" – is there a big difference between their approaches to cosmetic dentistry, and what will your US experience offer to Americans and Brits in London?

Believe it or not, I feel the times have changed and we are all equally obsessed with having a beautiful smile. Smile makeovers has always been my passion and I will do whatever it takes to achieve the perfect smile for each of my patients. I will utilize our leading–edge technology like lasers, imaging software, and 3–D mock ups and much more to attain the ultimate smile.

Having worked for 27 years in Beverly Hills, California – what prompted your decision to offer services in London?

My wife and I are soon to become empty–nesters and our children are beginning college. We felt it would be a great experience to live in an amazing place like London and explore, all while being able to provide my services to a whole new clientele.

In our experience, many Americans living in the UK like to have access to an American dentist – why do you think that is?

The mentality of some American dentists is to help a patient to the best of their ability. Without thinking in terms of insurance or any outside force that would alter or influence what is actually best for the patient. With that being said, dentists can make investments in technology and education that will ultimately lead to the best care possible.

Cosmetic dentistry has developed enormously over recent years, particularly with new technologies – what are the latest developments and how are they helping to improve cosmetic dentistry?

Besides all the lasers and advanced computer softwares, I like taking a 3–D X–ray of the patient's head and neck and seeing how a patient's teeth and smile line up with the patients neck posture, airway and health of the jaw joints. This 3D X–ray allows me to have an understanding just how structurally aligned the patient is. This to me is a game changer because it will allow me to achieve a balanced smile that doesn't just look great but is also healthy and in good function.

As well as cosmetic dentistry, you also have a lot of experience in neuromuscular dentistry – how important is the health of our teeth to our general wellbeing?

You are asking excellent questions. This is where my true passion for my methodology lies. If you want your dentistry to last for years and years without having any issues, it should be placed in a position that is comfortable and aligned to a patient's jaw joints, neck and airway. Believe it or not, many patients who suffer from poor posture, headaches and neck pain can be alleviated when this is taken into account.

For anyone nervous about seeing the dentist, what advice can you offer them?

My advice is to come in and have a consultation. Going to sleep or being sedated is encouraged. You can wake up and have your dentistry and new smile completed in one or two visits. We also provide a lot of calming adjuncts like the NuCalm system which brings patients into a meditated state. Patients tell us all the time how easy the procedures are and that they were nothing like they anticipated.

What's your top tip for good oral health?

My tip for good oral health is to brush correctly and floss each day. Watch your diet and monitor the amount of sugary foods and fizzy drinks. Watch the alcohol consumption and smoking.

Beyond working, do you have any plans as an American to tour London or see other parts of the UK whilst you're here? Are you excited about working in a different country / culture?

Coming to London is a lifelong dream for my wife and I. We are super excited to explore and meet new people, have new adventures and have fun.

What are you most looking forward to about beginning to offer services in London, and what do you hope to deliver to your prospective London clientele?

My goal is to help people and make them feel better about themselves... and their smile. I've always wanted to be the best of the best and I feel London is the perfect place to partner with The Harley Street Dental Studio and meet new patients.


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