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Spring Day: A Yank in the UK!

What’s life like for an American comedian in the UK? Spring Day tells us all ahead of performances at Leicester's Comedy Festival (Feb 7) and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2020

Published on January 24, 2020

Thank you for your time Spring! Our traditional first question, where in the States are you from?

I was born in Kansas City, Missouri. I lived in Tokyo for many years. (long story).  I’ve more recently lived in New York City and Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

How did you find yourself moving to the UK?

I was working with the Tokyo Comedy Store while living in Japan and most of the English speaking people I hung out with there were from the UK. (They are more likely to have passports than Americans). Some of these people recommended I go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival years ago. I did and I instantly fell in love with the comedy scene in the UK. 

What do you most like about living in the UK, and most miss about the US?

As a Midwestern American that has spent most of my adult life in Japan, the UK has the perfect level of passive aggressiveness for me to handle. I miss knowing for sure what my friends think of me.   I also miss spending less than 5 pounds on Lucky Charms cereal.

The American Tesco food aisle always makes me sad because it’s nothing remotely nutritious. I love sugar as much as the next guy but come on!  All the food in the American aisle looks like the food that turned the kids into Donkeys on Pleasure Island in Pinocchio.

How do you handle the subtle language changes in British-English versus American-English when on stage?

The UK audiences are savvy to most American slang and having lived in Japan, I am adept at limiting myself to Keanu Reeves vocabulary to make myself understood. Sometimes I can’t understand what an audience member might shout at me so I just tell Mom to go home.

Why is American comedy so popular in the UK?

It is such a wonderful feeling to connect with a story that came from someone on the other side of the world. I think it makes people feel a little less lonely. Plus, most don’t speak Spanish.

What are you looking forward to about attending the Comedy Festival?

I’m looking forward to seeing Leicester people out and about taking chances on shows. They are always lovely and are great to talk to after the show. Never a dull moment.

What projects are on the horizon for you?

I will be taking my show Spring Day: Dark Comedy for Nice People to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year.

Finally, what's the best thing about being Spring Day?

As a Midwesterner that is not allowed to praise herself, I feel this question is a trap.

Spring performs alongside fellow Americans Hopwood Depree and Will Franken in a special 'Yank in the UK' stand up gig at the Comedy Festival, Leicester on Friday, 7 February 2020. Click here for tickets.

Click here to read our Q&A with American comedian living in the UK, Hopwood Depree!


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