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Tony Hinchcliffe Tony Hinchcliffe

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Tony Hinchcliffe is Roasting Hot
Tony Hinchcliffe is flying in from the States to make his UK and Ireland debuts with special recordings of his Kill Tony podcast in Dublin on Feb 14, Salford on Feb 15 and London on Feb 16, followed by a brand new show Tony Hinchcliffe at Soho Theatre from Feb 18 to 23.
For more info and tickets visit sohotheatre.com and tonyhinchcliffe.com
Published on February 14, 2019

Hi Tony, thanks for speaking with us about your upcoming shows in the UK. Our traditional starter question - where in the States are you from?

I was born in Youngstown, Ohio and have lived in Los Angeles, California for about 13 years.

You're appearing at London's Soho Theatre from Feb 18 - I understand this is part of your UK and Ireland debut, how does it feel?

Pumped. I’m excited to feel a different type of crowd and see what risks will pay off.

Your style of comedy is based on roasting - for those of our readers who might not be acquainted with this form of comedy, can you explain what it is?

Well my style isn’t necessarily based on roasting but it is one element of it. Roasting is a fancy word for “making fun of people” but doing it in a smart way.

How did you first become involved in this style of comedy, and what draws you to it?

I was raised in a rough neighborhood and would defend myself by making fun of other kids that would try to bully me. In school I noticed the other kids would laugh a lot and I loved the attention.

One of the shows you've worked on is the Comedy Central Roast, where you've written material for some huge names. What is it like writing such material for celebrity names who are roasting celebrities?

It’s fun cause I get to take a break of creating for myself and I get to think like someone else. What I would say to roast a celebrity is a fun thought. But getting the chance to climb into the head of Martha Stewart, Snoop Dogg, or Justin Bieber and create a mean version of that person is like taking a paid vacation.

Who has been your favorite material to write for, and to write about?

I once wrote and performed at the Roast of Snoop Dogg. It was my favorite because I was the only white guy on the whole stage and I think a lot of people underestimated me until they saw what I was capable of. Been friends with Snoop ever since. What a night.

Is it more fun to write material for roasts or to perform it?

Perform. It was exciting to write in the beginning, getting to have that kind of control and input into a show that so many people watch, but now it’s all about getting to execute the creative part.

When it comes to roasting, are there any insults that are off limits - is there somewhere you draw the line?

Nope. If it’s funny, it’s on.

How do you feel UK audiences will react to your style of comedy?

I really am not sure, cause if they are fans of mine it should be pretty chaotic, but I also understand that Europe is a little more respectful and polite than America, so it should be interesting.

What kind of things do you like to do when working overseas, particularly in the UK? Is there anywhere you're planning to visit?

I’m obsessed with food. So wherever I go I try to find the best places to eat. I haven’t even gotten a chance to do my research yet, so if anyone reading this knows a great place to eat hit me up on social media.

What do you hope audiences take away from your UK shows?

That my podcast is a must-see live show that is a black belt improvisational showcase in which anything can happen, but I control the chaos and work with my funniest friends while giving people the chance to sign up and be a part of it. And with my standup shows, that I have put a lot of work into my current hour and will have another new one when I come back.

What's next on the horizon for you?

Making another special, taking my podcast everywhere, having fun, getting better and better.

Finally, what's the best thing about being Tony Hinchcliffe?

Getting paid for making people laugh never gets old.

For more information on Tony's Podcast and tour dates, go to http://www.tonyhinchcliffe.com, and for tickets to Tony's new show at the Soho Theatre, go to https://sohotheatre.com/shows/tony-hinchcliffe/


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